Discover And Welcome New Hires With Warmth & Inclusivity

Make virtual onboarding, a splendid experience for newbies in your organization.

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Get First Day Things On Day One.

Using the potential of Teambook to alleviate first-day jitters, boost confidence, and install excitement in new hires! The welcome email encourages them to complete their profiles and explore the platform, while also allowing you to customize it with links to onboarding documents and essential first-day information. 

Show Where They Are.

Enhance the onboarding experience for your newest employees by providing them access to the org chart. When they can view a clear and visually appealing representation of how teams collaborate and where they belong, they will be better equipped to start their roles with confidence and efficiency.

"Teambook Enhances Onboarding, Fosters Connection."

"Teambook plays a vital role in our onboarding process. New hires can easily access information about their colleagues, such as names, seating arrangements, reporting relationships. This fosters a sense of connection before any direct conversation takes place, helping new employees feel more engaged and integrated into the team.

Mat Change, HR Manager, Trace city

Make Everyone Feel Welcomed, Right From Day One

Keep your employee’s states faster, safer & easier with Teambook.

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